Cases in The News
Paboojian, Inc. files civil complaint that alleges Fresno tow truck driver in fatal Friant crash was under the influence
Article by by: Katherine Phillips - Your Central Valley FRESNO, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) – An attorney for the family of the young woman who was killed in a crash...
Paboojian, Inc. sues County Sheriff’s Office who shot and killed a family pet and Fresno civil jury says it’ll cost $800,000
Article by BY ROBERT RODRIGUEZ - Fresno Bee A Fresno family was awarded $800,000 in damages after a jury found the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office violated...
Paboojian, Inc. says Fresno Unified should pay for student’s therapy after disturbing video
Article By BY JULIANNA MORANO - Fresno Bee An attorney for the Wolters Elementary student who was struck by ex-principal Brian Vollhardt in the June 7...
Paboojian, Inc. to represent student shoved by Fresno Unified School Principal
Article By Andrea Salcedo - Washingotn Post In early June, a student with special needs walked up to a principal in a Fresno, Calif., school cafeteria and...
Paboojian, Inc. represents family after Fresno Sherriff deputies handcuff them and kill their pet dog
By Pablo Lopez | Fresno Spotlight On a hot June day, Veronica Ordaz Gonzalez was eating ice cream with her family inside her southeast Fresno home when...
Paboojian, Inc. representing Fresno County student seriously injured in game at high school rally
FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Fun and games at a school rally turned into serious injuries for a student whose new lawsuit says a Fresno County school put him in...